What you didn't know about how you're damaging your hair.

Protect your hair!!!   Yarden Ben Hair Connoisseur by day, professional mom by night. Every one is always trying to "fix" their hair, and we want to help you understand that you don't have to damage it to begin with. We're here today to give you the lowdown on why it is SO important to use a good Heat Protectant Hair Spray prior to heat styling. Let's break it down simply for you. Our hair is made up of 2 layers: An inner cortex, filled with water molecules and keratin An outer cuticle, which in healthy hair is smooth and...

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The Newest Product To Hit The Beauty Indusry! The Brush N' Blo. Blow Dryer and Brush Combo.

This product styles and dries your hair in under 5 minutes! Brush and Dryer Combo.
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